There is an old Aesop fable about the Oak and the Reed. While the Oak is big and mighty, the Reed bends with the wind and therefore never breaks. I’ve realised that, since becoming a mother, I have had some rather stubborn views about what motherhood should entail and how it will impact on the rest of my life. After all, it is a huge change for anyone to adapt to and hubby and I had already enjoyed 6 years of just-the-two-of-us marriage and established a wonderful lifestyle for ourselves. Although I was excited to become a mum, I didn’t want anything else to change.
I listened to a Mother’s Day sermon yesterday. Not only did it present some top mothering tips, it moved me to tears and has completely changed my outlook on life.
Despite my easy entrance into motherhood, a very good-natured baby, an understanding husband and a supportive family, I was afraid of becoming a stay at home mum. On one hand, I wanted to continue to work on my career and help support the family, on the other I knew I would feel guilty whenever I spent time away from Winston.
The word ‘Homemaker’ probably doesn’t sound very appealing to many educated, qualified or ambitious women, in fact, it used to scare me. Thankfully, I no longer think that being a Mum is a humdrum task. Not only is it challenging, rewarding and fulfilling, it is the highest calling. I have learned that “the Family is the most powerful institution on earth and the Mother is the most influential person in it.” You simply cannot undertake such a calling without sacrifice, and sacrificial love by definition costs, hurts and inconveniences.
So instead of focusing on the things I can’t have, I will cherish this new occupation I’ve been given. Of course, I’ll need a lot of help along the way, and will probably stumble. However, I thank God that I’m no longer paralysed by fear and guilt, because I know this is where He wants me to be, right now.
Speaking of adaptability, what do you do with all those maternity dresses once you’ve given birth? Well for most maternity dresses you’d probably discard them with glee, or pass them onto expecting girlfriends, but when you’ve got a gorgeous Soon Maternity dress like this one, you just want to keep wearing it, and for some reason, due to some miracle of sartorial engineering, it turned out that this one still worked – even without the bump!
Where: Befriending some reeds
Wear: Soon Maternity Dress / Vintage Earrings & Clutch (with pearl necklace as strap)/ Habbot Heels
Chinese Translation by Teresa Ruan (Click below to read)
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讲到适应性,你们生完宝宝之后的那些孕妇装都怎么处理的?你可能已经愉快的丢掉大多数孕妇装,又或者把它们送给那些要生的姐妹们。但如果你有一件这么漂亮的Soon Maternity的连衣裙的话你很可能会继续穿它,因为某些原因,这种神奇的工程剪裁让这条裙子就算没有怀孕时的肚子也还能继续穿!
Like you, I’ve found it necessary many times to re-evaluate, let go of old goals, form new ones and accept that some people simply will never understand why my priorities have changed. You didn’t mention that you will be Winston’s primary educator, on all fronts (intellectual, moral, creative), for many years. That is an enormous responsibility and a role in which you’ll excel. So happy to hear you’ve made an adjustment (if only a mental one) and found peace. A key parenting skill! x F
thank you so much Frances for your encouraging and ever wise words! You’re spot on about forming new goals :D Yea, until I became a Mum, I never understood those who changed their priorities. I sure hope that I can be a good mentor and educator for Winston. In fact that’s huge!!!
That dress is beautiful on you! So nice it works post-pregnancy too! :) I like the bracelet paired with the strap on the clutch :)
And all the best with your new life direction! Parenting is a massive change, but a very fun and rewarding one, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. It’s all part of the journey :)
thank you lovely! I don’t know yet if I’ll be a stay-at-home-mum forever, but at least my phobia of that possibility is now resolved. I always forget that blogging is a full time job too :D Plus, I entrust my life into God’s hand. He will know what’s best for me and my family.