I’ve always been a ‘less is more’ kinds of person, at least when it comes to hair and makeup. My wardrobe is another story. I get a lot of comments about my hair, the colour and texture. According to hairdressers it’s quite ‘healthy’ even though I only use shampoo and conditioner, and have never dyed it before. Maybe there’s something to be said about being a product minimalist.
As you know, despite technological advances, there’s a big movement towards everything natural and organic. We want our air and diets to be clean, our cars and drinks to be green. We are more selective with what we ingest, inhale, administer and wear. Maybe it’s our way to counter-balance the fast-paced, industrialised world we now live in? ‘Organic, ecofriendly and sustainable’ don’t just apply to food and fashion, hair and beauty products are catching on too. We are literally getting back to our roots.
Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses // S. Wallis Dress // Sophia Kokosalaki Top (worn underneath) // Mawi Necklace // Vintage Clutch // Habbot Heels (worn with vintage shoe clips)
I’d long heard about Organika Hair, but I was sceptical at first. Organic is just a buzz word, right? It wasn’t until I met Lisa, one of the founders of Organika Hair, that I realised how passionate Organika Hair was at delivering the latest industry trends and styles in the most natural way.
Lisa and Sarah (c0-founder, and owner of Organika Hair) have worked in the hairdressing industry since their teens. They were appalled by the amount of chemicals crammed into hair salon products. When they learnt that ingredients such as ammonia, paraben, PPD and sulphates are linked with chronic illnesses and cancers with long-term use, they decided to challenge the status quo. A hair salon that promotes health and well-being but still uses world-leading products and delivers world class techniques: Organika Hair was born.
I had a trim at Organika a few weeks ago. To call it ‘trim’ really doesn’t do it justice. It was more like a massage, a haircut, and a blow-wave: a total Organika experience. The salon is conveniently located next door to hip and healthy café Combi. The synergy is palpable. Compared with conventional hairsalons, Organika is literally a breath of fresh air. The décor is modern, clean, bright, complete with a potted plant wall. I nearly dozed off during my “Caviar” hair treatment. How would you fancy a head, scalp, hand, arm and shoulder massage? Dreamy-eyed, I was then treated to a warm cup of green tea and Vogue magazines whilst Lisa worked on my mane.
This is not a sponsored post, I was just really “blown away” by the experience. I’m thrilled to tell you that a few of my friends have visited the salon and have also become “Organika converts”. Before Organika, I didn’t know anything about harmful hair product chemicals, or that with a good trim, you can have ‘good hair days’, every day.
To find out more about chemicals in hair products, head over to their website [HERE].
140a Ormond Road Elwood
(03) 9531 5333
I really like the bright dress on you! :)
Good to hear you’ve had such a pleasant experience with that hairdresser – I’ll have to check them out next time I’m in Melbourne! My hair was in a terrible state post-baby, had to cut a lot of it off, and I’m going to try take better care of it now!
thanks Mica. Yeah they’re awesome- I highly recommend them! I had a terrible cut before Organika so it was a refreshing change :) Your hair looks so luscious and healthy now!
This is an amazing outfit girl! ♥
Isa M., Tic Tac Living
The horrible things I do to my hair…no wonder it doesn’t look like yours!
Think i’ll have to pay them a visit when my locks are dues for their next trim ♥